Welcome to the City of Hudson EMT School


Among the Best of the Best


Since we were founded as an integral part of the Hudson Emergency Medical Service, Hudson EMT School has earned an enviable reputation as being one of the very best training facilities for becoming a certified Emergency Medical Technician. By "best'' we mean not just in Northeast Ohio, but also in the entire nation.

Our reputation shows in our 90% + pass rate on the EMS National Qualifying Exams which puts us among the top EMS schools nationwide.

Our excellent reputation is apparent in the fact Hudson EMT School has become recognized as a "preception site," which means we have established a teaching venue that is held in high regard by other teaching programs, such as Akron General Hospital, Tri-C Community College, Stark State University and Kent State University.



Email svargo@hudson.oh.us

Note that if you wish to apply for membership to Hudson EMS in conjunction with your application to the Training Program, that is a separate application process that may be accessed here: https://hudsonems-volunteer.employ.onshift.com/


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